# of watchers: 40
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2006-06-19 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: nope, too early in the morning, and there isnt anywhere around here to hunt...
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: Yeah i hear that my bros kill deer all the damn time and it amazes me how you can hit something like that so far away.
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: I hate hunting. I understand if you do it for food. But not for a sport. It's hiddiously disgusting. I hate animal cruelty... And I know that's not really animal cruelty but I can't help but feel like it is...
2006-06-19 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: But, dear meat is SOOO tasty, and, I could hit a deer at about 50 yards with my bow..
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: I dont give a shit about hunting I just think guns are the worst things to ever happen to mankind. If you kill something with a bow/knife/bare hands then cool.
2006-06-19 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: oh yeah, gun hunting is weak as hell, unless, of course, you're using a bayonette
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Lordy, as long as you eat whatever you kill, I'm okay enough with it... But when you just kill animals to show off to your friends... That's just sick and twisted.*Nods* I agree to a loarge scale with [Iron-wulf] on the guns...
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: Yeah I say fuck em. I have never used one to kill anything I seriously think I was some sort of barbarian in another life cause I love hand to hand weaponry lol.
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: *Sighs*
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: Why with the sighs?
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: *Shrugs*
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: haha I wish my love was here tonight!!!
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks* I'm sorry?
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: haha no its no problem she will always come back ;P
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Okay.
2006-06-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: are you referring to me?!
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Are you going out with [Iron-wulf]?! *Gasps* THE SCANDAL!
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: haha no just ramblings of a fool lol.
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Good... Cause... Jess... Jess be MINE! *Clings to Jess and chains her to Kyoko's self* Yes, yes I did just refer to myself in the third person... Anyone gotta problem with it?! o.o;;
2006-06-19 [L V F]: -stares- O_O
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Oh you shoosh (who ever you are O.o) *Zips off with Jess* Oy... I'm not obsessed...
2006-06-19 [tazz]: I agree females worry to much about how they look and males too. Its not worth the trouble.
2006-06-19 [Love like Winter.]: Thanks :) thats what this wiki is about.. I'm glad some people can see that :)
2006-06-19 [Sia Tasha]: Most people over look the fact that we are naturally beautiful, and just worry about how skinny or fat they are and what not some even go to extreme messures such as stop eating completely and putting their health at risk.
2006-06-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: That's exactly why I created Everyone's Different.
2006-06-19 [Love like Winter.]: Yeah, its really sad, isn't it? :( There is more to life than being considered attractive. People need to stop being so superfical.
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Maybe they would if the mainstream didn't make it such a big deal. I mean think about it: how many magazines have you picked up in your entire life, other than pregnancy magazines (and National Geographics, 'cause they kick ass <33) that had a model or some sort of person on their cover or anywhere in their massive amounts of paging that struck you as weighing in at even just half an ounce over something that's fucking rediculous like ninety-five pounds. I mean, you look at Barbie and she's the perfect (plastic) model for what they put into females minds of how they should look. Ample chest, skinny stomach, child-baring hips, long legs, you name it.....
2006-06-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: Seventeen Magazine puts curvy girls in their magazine
2006-06-19 [Love like Winter.]: I think the UK are worst at showing "plus sizes". "Plus size" is more common in the US.
2006-06-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: well i'm curvy and i'm not plus size...but i like seventeen cause it shows all types of girls in some parts of their magazine, and they do give helpful tips about other things
2006-06-19 [Love like Winter.]: Heat magaizne is the worst. Every single week, the front cover is either "fab diets" or "curvy girls hit the beach" (whom are all size 8s), "Skinny vs curvey". Little wonder women are obsessed with their weight :S
2006-06-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: there has been only one guy that i've dated that didn't like curvy girls...he was such a liar too...anywho..
2006-06-19 [Iron-wulf]: Yeah to be honest that skeletor bone woman look is so not hot.
2006-06-19 [Love like Winter.]: How many men do you hear saying "Aw man, I pulled this hot girl last night! She had a huge collorbone, legs like a sparrow, I could count all her ribs and the whole night, her bony frail body was sticking into me like spikes!" ?
2006-06-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Good point.
2006-06-19 [Love like Winter.]: Thanks :)
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Yeah, I'm just going to keep quiet now because I tend to get waaaay too into this... *Sighs* Damned the world... And all it's hipocritical fuckbags as well...
2006-06-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nod*
2006-06-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: every guy i've ever asked has told me they like a girl with a little more "meat" on her...except i know for sure one guy has lied about that ^_^
2006-06-19 [Ethereal Blue]: *Gags* Males confuse and disgust me... I'ma go lesbian... *Once again takes Jess as hers* o.o
2006-06-20 [L V F]: -pokes the jess with a stick-
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *is poked and claimed for the 3rd or 4th time by Kyoko*
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *worships, glomps, and humps teh jess!*
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hey there James!!! *hugs and humps back*
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: le woot!!
2006-06-20 [L V F]: -humps jess to than licks her-
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: geeze...people like to hump me don't they?!
2006-06-20 [Love like Winter.]: Wow, your popular Jess :P
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i noticed wth
2006-06-20 [Love like Winter.]: *huggles*
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *hugs!!!*
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: well jess, you're just so *bleeping* hot that we all just want to *bleep* you!
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: haha you can't *bleep* me
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: what, I cant *worship* you?
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ...oh damn you got me
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *nods* that I did love, that i did *worships*
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *grumbles* hmph!
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *humps your leg* im sorry m'dear
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *pats your head* now now hun, you'll tire yourself out
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: haha, good idea
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: hey look, my little sister just ran out into traffic, there must be a god...
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lmao...thats great
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: damn, she lived........ but mi grandmotha's here! *jigs and leaves* lata loves
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol...bye sweety
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *tackles* IM BACK!
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hey!!! lol...i'm so freaking tired it sucks lol...
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *gives a pillow?*
2006-06-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *falls asleep on the pillow*
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *looks around and humps jess*
2006-06-20 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *gasps then runs*
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *assasinates the reaper*
2006-06-20 [Eyes of the Reaper]: O.O
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: im sorry, you've seen too much...
2006-06-20 [Eyes of the Reaper]: T-T Tut wants me dead... *sniffles*
2006-06-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *tackles* i dont want you dead! but, if you go to the police, you'll put me into a very difficult place
2006-06-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I won't! I won't go to the police! T-T *struggles to get away*
2006-06-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *let's go*
2006-06-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *dies from Tut-ness*
2006-06-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *blinks and pokes* umm, nochtur?
2006-06-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: x.x ...I'm dead... <.< >.>
2006-06-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *resurrects with the power of tut*
2006-06-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lmfao *huggles*
2006-06-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *hugs*
2006-06-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: strange strange people *goes back to sleep*
2006-06-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol
2006-06-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *nods* but, llook who's talking jess
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: haha true
2006-06-21 [L V F]: -eats jess-
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *is eaten* wth
2006-06-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wow, that was...odd
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: it was
2006-06-21 [Ethereal Blue]: I wanna eat Jess! Although probably wouldn't be that great of an idea... *Cackles* O.O
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: bad thoughts >_<
2006-06-21 [Iron-wulf]: haha looks like something cool is goin down around here :p
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: no...i'm just a pervert sometimes lol
2006-06-21 [Iron-wulf]: Wow I had no clue lol ;)
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol
2006-06-21 [Iron-wulf]: See there ya go laughing at me again lol.
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: you dork, you know i'm not laughing at you!!! :-P
2006-06-21 [Iron-wulf]: haha laughing with me huh? Thats what all my ex girlfriends say too :(
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hmmm sometimes not all girls are the same, ever think of that? it goes the same with guys too
2006-06-21 [Iron-wulf]: haha im just teasing. I try to be funny but sometimes people just dont understand me at all *tear*
2006-06-21 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: awww...well then again i don't know your personality completely so idk what your tone would be
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Well believe me im never serious unless I state otherwise. I aim to please lol.
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *tackles and humps your legs*
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hey sweety ^_^ *pats James head*
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *purs*
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: good boy *huggles James*
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *hugses* I LOVE YOU JESS!!
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *huggles*
2006-06-22 [Love like Winter.]: =)
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *tackles the erin* I LOVE YOU TOO!
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Looks like we all love each other round here!!!
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yes, that we do
2006-06-22 [Love like Winter.]: *is tackled* yay!!
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o *jumps in on tackling Erin* sorry...had to, your my lil sis
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *isn't loved* -_-;
2006-06-22 [Love like Winter.]: *tackles [Sieg Heil!!.PK] for the Hell of it*
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: O.O'
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: o.o; Yay?
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *blinks and hisses a bit*
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Who the hell wouldn't wanna tackle Dante?! *Tackles him then proceeds to attack him in a loving sisterly way* O.O
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *clings to Zach-y-poo and whimpers* T-T Mine!
2006-06-22 [L V F]: -grabs jesses ass and whistles like im innocent-
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o
2006-06-22 [Love like Winter.]: Hey, no heavy petting on my wiki!! >.<
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Aww, Allie got jealous... *huggles* No worries hun... They just love meh. Only you adore meh. Right?
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nod nod* ^-^ Mine, mine, mine.
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: What if we just skip the heavy petting?
2006-06-22 [Love like Winter.]: O,O
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks like a kajillion times then inches over to Jess, smacks [L V F] viciously and grabs Jess' hand* <.<;; Whaaa..?
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *nods* This is why Alleh's gonna be famous, Jess...
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *blink* Hm? O.o'''''''''
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Check the comments in Famous Curves, love, and see what an idiot I made outta myself ^_^;;;;;
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *shakes head and clings to Kyoko*
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: I dont know if im comftorable with all this blinking!
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lmfao
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *winks?*
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *stares into space* ...must...not.
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *blinks* damnit!
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *cackles and refuses to blink*
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Dante, you're such a dor-- Er... I mean... JESS! *Drags into teh closet*
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Come on cut that stuff out! People are gonna think we are hi!!!
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *blinkblinlbli
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: EYELINER!!!!!!
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Mmmmm... Eyeliner... *Doodles on herself with it* o.o And who's to say we aren't high? *Looks stragith at Lordy wherever the hell he is*
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I've never been high or drunk. O.o' So, you can count me out on that one.
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Im hi but im not blinking I must resist temptation...
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: I hate you [Iron-wulf].... Can I join you?! a_a;
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Oh damn, I looked so good last Halloween in that liner... Geh, though the black lipstick was a bit much...
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: O.O I have a pic of me like that. XD
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: but, high I am not, pretty colors, I see
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Now why would you hate me?
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: O.O *droolz just thinking about it* WHERE IS IT, I wanna see I wanna see...
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: I hate you because you get to be while I have to wait until at LEAST next Friday... *Sighs*
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: OMG!!! everyone...i have a new pipe...it's red and sparkly ^_^ i showed my daddy...he didn't believe i have a bong so i showed him that too lmao
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lmfao Ok, I'll upload it and send it to you.
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Screw a pipe you gotta hit the G.B.
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol...i've never used one...my x made one but i didn't like smoking with him so i never used it...
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *cheers* Hooray! More piccies of meh angel...
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Once you go G.B. you never go back!!!
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: v.v I can't find it. The whole file with the gothic photoshoot is gone.
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: photoshoot like professional?! and i like my bong too much to not go back to it...i hated bongs til i got one...i just wanted one...then we used it...and i loved it
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Aww... -_- Oh well, you're gorgeous the way you are so it's no biggie ^_^
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I used to be a model, yes. But no, these aren't professional. | I do have one that's a death metal one... it used to be up on here as my pic a long time ago...
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Yeah if i had a bong I could see that. The hooka is excellent as well.
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: You used to be a model? *cheers* HA!!! I TOLD YOU JESS! She's gonna be famous.
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: -^.^- I suppose.
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Wait, isn't G.B. Gravity Bong?
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: YAP!
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yeah...lol...i
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Havent we all been models at some time or another?
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: I haven't been... o.o
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I quit about a year ago... It was too hectic with school and what-not...
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: She will be...a character model! :D For all of the female leads in my video games!!!
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Oi vey...
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: -^.^- Awww!
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Oh damn, that actually sounds good to you? I was expecting something more like this... *falls over anime style*
2006-06-22 [Ethereal Blue]: ...?
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I love everything you say! XD
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *huggles* Such a sweetheart... ♥
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: viva la curves!
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: we don't do that here...we merely let them talk shit and avoid doing it ourselves, we're better than that ^_^
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *huggles back* ^-^
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Well i am a member here and a bouncer as well so ehh its up to you gals but im down for revelry!
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *still clinging to Alleh*
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ Awwww! *pets* So kee-ute!
2006-06-22 [Iron-wulf]: Its cool to cling just not too close lol ;)
2006-06-22 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: This beauty could care less how close I get... *snuggles* Ain't that right, angel?
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: guys, no anal sex in the public wikis...
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i cling to Kyoko from time to time...and basically how we work it...if we get word of someone starting things on wikis that are opposite of ours like Thin is Beautiful we ban them from our wiki, though we dont get along with the owner of that wiki so both me and Erin have her blocked so it's up to Sarah to tell us about them on here or other members to tell us
2006-06-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeeeah, me and RD dont see eye to eye very often...
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ Correct!!! *nuzzles*
2006-06-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i don't think i know anyone that does
2006-06-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *cough*
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